Mario Martel, photographer and artist based in Ontario California

My Passion for photography began early on in my teens with urban culture. I’d often spend days wandering L.A, photographing anything that looked interesting. Usually graffiti, sketchy places or people. I then began reaching out to some of the artist to show them the images I took of their art work and before you knew it, started gaining a bit of a following. This was the first following I had “prior” to instagram, it was so organic. Though it’s not what I shoot any longer, This was the beginning of my real interest in using a camera, and I loved it.

Later on, I then enrolled in some art classes with our local college, from there graphic design and photography. After learning the fundamentals, and actually how to use the camera, everything changed. I now had the ability to fully control an image from nothing but the settings of the camera, lighting and etc, this amazed me.